Beta Version 4.0: Changelog

Hi everyone! Sorry for being mostly MIA in terms of DeckMaster. I've been super busy on other things, some related to DeckMaster, and some not.

Today I release Beta 4.0. This update contains lots of smaller changes, graphical changes, matchmaking, and new cards.

Visual changes:

*ALL buttons are now the properly-modeled blue buttons, rather than white boxes.

*The stats section of both players is now properly-modeled.

*Menu screens (such as the screen that pops up when in a lobby) are now properly modeled.


*Seeds are now randomized, affecting the world power and how quickly it increases.

*Changed some wording on the lobby wait screen.

External Changes:

*DeckMaster now supports Discord's Rich Presence.

Bug & Issue fixes:

*Fixed a bug where, when a game ended, the "join lobby" button would be hidden, and the stat panels would still be visible.

*Fixed an issue where it was possible to join the lobby of someone in a different version. If this is attempted now, there is an error.

New cards:

+Base card "Enflame" with quality 13, which enflames the opponent for a number of turns. Enflamed players take damage every turn, while the enflame effect wears off.

+Spirit card "Stifle" with quality 9, which stops the base and number card in that turn from being consumed on use.

+Base card "Poison" with quality 18, which poisons the opponent for a number of turns. Poisoning, similarly to enflaming, deals damage every turn, but does not wear off slowly- instead, it immediately ends when the poison runs out.

+Base card "Impetuous" with quality 20, which deals an amount of self-damage, while dealing a tenth of that damage to the opponent every turn for the rest of the game.

+Base card "Curse" with quality 20 which curses the opponent for a number of turns. Cursing is similar to poisoning, but instead deals a percent of your health as damage instead of a static damage amount.

+Base card "Daredevil" with quality 18, which adds a permanent self-poisoning effect for an amount of turns, while giving that amount of cards every turn for the rest of the game.

+Base card "Iron Lung" with quality 25, which adds an amount of armor automatically every turn, while subtracting your power permanently.


DeckMaster 23 MB
Nov 27, 2021

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