Beta Version 3.0: Changelog

Helllooooooo! Beta Version 3.0 is now out. In this update, I've focused mostly on game-breaking bug fixing, balancing, and a huge graphical overhaul. Here's the changelog:

General Changes

*Gave names to the following cards: Redux, Additive, Pierce, Additional Draw, and Nab.

*Maximum quality cards that can be received per turn has been increased (in other words, higher quality cards are now more common in longer games).

*Card drops are now forcefully diversified (meaning it's now rarer to receive the same card several times).

*Armor has been nerfed; it now can only deflect up to 50% of damage.

*Game seed is now 0.81 instead of 0.8.

Graphical changes

*All animations in the game have been slowed down.

*The board now has a proper model.

*Cards now have a proper model.

*Buttons now have a proper model.

*The end turn button is now placed slightly differently in general to look better in the new board model.

*The "skip turn" text on the end turn button is now black instead of red.

*The game power multiplier text is now white instead of black.

*When clicking and dragging a not allowed card (like a base card when you've just played a base card) over the play area, the aura color will now be red instead of blue.

*The play area aura color now looks better.

*Holding a card now hovers it slightly higher than cards in your hand to avoid clipping issues.

*The in-brawl stats mini-menu now only shows your armor if you have above 0.

*The in-brawl stats mini-menu now shows your mute chance as a stat, which shows when your mute chance goes above 0%.

*The stats on the in-brawl stats mini-menu now change smoothly, rather than immediately.

New cards

+Added base card "Fibrodysplasia" with quality 24. When played, +____ power boost, +____% damage intake.

Bug & issue fixes

*Fixed a bug where the "Healing Aura" card wouldn't do anything on use.

*Fixed a labeling issue where the underscores (____) on Hetacomb would instead show "{0}" and "{1}".

*Fixed a labeling issue where some cards would have their card type before their description text.

*Fixed a bug where either side would sometimes show the opposite side's stats.

*Fixed a bug where removing a card from play wouldn't update the end turn/skip turn button.

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Woo-hoo! The game has improved so much over the past 2 updates, can’t wait to try this update out later!